Papercut - Print and Release

Print and Release


  1. Print Your Document

Make sure you select “Papercut Global Printer” when printing.

  1. Papercut Global Printer is already on Library and Lab computers.

  2. You can install it on your device using these instructions.


  1. Release Your Document

    1. Go to the nearest Printstation: Library, Walton, Guffin Breezeway, or Sparrowk Lobby.

    2. Simplest: Scan the printer’s QR code with your phone. 

      1. If needed, you will be prompted for your username and password. 

      2. You will see a list of your printed documents. Release the document you want to print.

    3. Alternatively: You can login to the printer with your username and password to see the list and release the document.



  1. Click Print Release

  2. Select the document you want to print.